Sunday, 31 August 2008

So When You Reach That Career Changing Path....

Today I feel I have entered this path of change, so I've had a very enjoyable 2 weeks off of work doing things I did now and again but not on a regular basis. Gained newer interests and just new people to chat with on a certain level. Having gone around art galleries looking at photos which were done well, from the pose to the facial structure and body language, made me actually think "This is something I could do!".

Going out with just a digital camera, taking pictures of mates or just anything else, makes me want to move into this area of the world. Not no paparazzi, cause I'm not the type to invade someone who is famous or "semi-famous" trying to just get out there, none would give me satisfaction. Any who to get into this area I'll need to do courses which I'm happy with, since I'll learn something new and will increase my chances and skills!

Film production would be nice also, as long as I have the cash.

Well Sunday, it's not been the best of days to be quite honest, rather dull. It's a shame my 2 weeks off work has come to an end. Roll on Friday and Saturday in which I'll hit up them art battles, come on!

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